Next Meeting: Club Business Meeting
Club President Pam and Andy have returned with exciting reports of travel that promise an interesting future presentation on their travels in Europe.
Note that as of June 1st, President Pam has been a Rotarian for 35 years, second only to Charter Club member Marie!
Pam reminded everyone that we are collecting salad dressings for Footprints Food Pantry up through July 15th. Bottles can be brought to the meetings, dropped of at her home in Eliot, or taken directly to Footprints.
The Block Party is this Saturday, the Traip Academy Interact will be hosted in our tent, Dave and Andy will set up and take down (help is welcome).
Saturday Remick Matty will be heading to India as a short Term Rotary Youth Exchange! We wish Remick a safe and happy trip and look forward to meeting Remick and Akshay Kulkarni when they arrive back in the USA in July.
Regarding Rotary Youth Exchange students: Erika Paraschiv, our Rotary Youth Exchange Student from Romania in 2022-2023 sent greeting from Greece where her family are vacationing on Thassos, one of the northern islands.
Erika (2nd from the right) and her family
June 20th is the Club sponsored Red Cross Blood Drive, Sue still is looking for more volunteers to cover, please let her know when you can help.
The District Conference is June 29th at the Isle of Shoals. This is a very convenient location and a very beautiful place to spend a day and learn a whole lot about what Rotary is doing and can do. Sign up on the District website, bring the family or friends.
50-50 Raffle: 50 % of the funds go to support Club administration, 50% goes into the Pot. The lucky ticket holder gets to select a card from the ever decreasing deck. If they get the Joker, they get the Pot! At this point the "Pot' is $105.50 and there are still a large handful of cards.
Jeanine had the lucky raffle ticket this morning and:
Pulled the 6 of Spades!
The Pot grows!