Next Meeting: Club Board Meeting/Business Meeting
Guests: Jason Garnham
Pam thanked everyone for their support for the "Souper Bowl.
Pam and Sue reminded everyone that support is needed for th Red Cross Blood Drive this coming Thursday February 15, 12-6 ,as we celebrate our 100th Blood Drive support
Andy announced the upcoming President's Training Seminar (PETS), the RI President will be attending. Andy is on the Board for the event, Pauli and Pam are going (Pam? - yes, oh by the way Pam is going to be an Assistant Governor!) replacing Maryna, who is completing her 3 year term. Congratulations to all three of them.
Andy is standing for the District representative to the Zone Nominating Committee for the next RI Zone Director. Dave moved and Pam seconded a motion to ratify that Andy is qualified and in good standing, approved by the Club.
Pam reported that 'the District is preparing to send another shipping container of mobility devices (crutches, wheel chairs, walkers, canes etc) to Africa as part of "Crutches 4 Africa", and will be packing February 29 in Old Orchard Beach starting at 9 am and invited club members to join her.
5050 Raffle:50% of the proceeds go toward the Club administration and 50% goes into the "Pot". The owner of the selected raffle ticket gets to draw a card from an ever decreasing deck of cards, if they pull the Joker they get the "Pot", if not the Pot grows and the deck gets smaller.
Pauli had the lucky ticket chosen today and the Pot is at $231.50.
and ~ Pauli gets the Pot! Next time - New Deck & New Pot!