The Rotary Club of
Kittery, Maine
Chartered 1987

Date  December 12, 2023 Vol. 16, Issue 22
Next Meeting: Students of the Month for December, R.W.Traip Cafeteria, check in at the office, members pay $5 to cover food
December 12 is our Club Board Monthly Meeting, open to all members. Attendance was very good, we do have two of our members who are on travel.
President Pam and Treasurer Andy presented the Financial report. The calendar Raffle Fund raiser is on track to match the income from last years, a big well done to all who solicited prizes and sold calendar chances.
President Pam presented a request for a donation to Project Graduation. It was moved and seconded that we donate $500 again this year and the motion passed.
A second motion was made by Pam to support a planned trip by Traip Students to support a 2024 trip to Normandy for the anniversary of the allied invasion at Normandy during WW II; the effort is being made to ensure that student involvement is not restricted by ability to pay. There were several activities planned by students to raise funds and the trip was discussed as having significant education value, a motion to donate $500 and also to invite the students to talk about it was made, seconded, and approved.
Pam suggested we consider the new business in town called "Board" as the location for our January 5th Tuesday social. The decision was made to try to schedule the social there and plan on it as a chance to invite potential members.
Pam announced that we will be looking for website sponsors, hopefully to have enough $100 sponsors to pay for the yearly cost.
Big News! Pauli and Brad have agreed to serve as the Club Co-presidents for the 2024-2025 Rotary Year! Thank you Pauli and Brad!
CPR Training at the KCC December 9th
The Club sponsored another CPR and NARCON training session on December 9th
News from Romania
Our 2022-2023 Exchange student form Romania, Erika Parashiv contacted the club  this week to share scenes of holiday preparations at her home and asking for news from from  of  seaaonal activitieshere in Maine.
Table of Plenty Support
Great support by the Club for last Thursday's Table of Plenty
Upcoming Events
Club Meeting, Students of the Month
R W Traip Academy
Dec 19, 2023
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Red Cross Blood Drive
Kittery Lion's Club
Dec 21, 2023
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Andrew Glazier
December 10
Jeanne LaFrance
December 20
Spouse Birthdays
Shea Gray
December 5
Join Date
Dave Gooch
December 23, 2003
20 years
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