The Rotary Club of
Kittery, Maine
Chartered 1987

Date  May 21, 2024 Vol. 16, Issue 40
Next Meeting: Students of the Month for May
The meeting was a Club Assembly (business) meeting. President Pam and Andy are away, president-Elect Pauli was acting president.
The first item on the agenda was the report of the Scholarship Committee. We had 11 applications this year. One applicant stood out,  having clearly addressed all the requested points of the application, and the Committee recommended awarding the $2,000 scholarship to the applicant. One other applicant was noted as having a very positive impact. As a RYLA camper in the sophomore year they had made a strong impression on the staff, and had been asked to return to serve, coming  back the following two years as a counselor. Club meeting discussion noted that this was an unusual benefit to Rotary in the District. A motion was made and seconded, to award the $2,000 scholarship as budgeted to the applicant who had clearly addressed all the criteria of the application  and in addition to award a $1,000 scholarship to the student who had commited the time and talent to help grow Rotary through their RYLA staff effort. The motion was accepted by the Club.
Pauli also presented a proposal by Pam that the club again collect salad dressings for Footprints Food Pantry during June. She reported that Footprints is now supplying food to 225 families a week and hoped we would engage friends and family to be able to provide Footprints with a large stock of salad dressings to support the fresh produce that gets donated during the summer months. Salad dressings can be brought in at each meeting or dropped off at Pam and Andy's when they are back.
The question was asked about who would be handling the Speakers next year while Pauli is club president, Sue volunteered and said she would help (thank you Sue). ~ Background, for years club members were each asked to come up with 1 or 2 speakers each year,  the President-elect was tasked with coordinating speakers.  Then Pauli has volunteered to coordinate most of the speakers, and for several years we have had one of the District's best planned speaker programs. (Pauli started the Adult-Ed program in Kittery years ago).
A reminder that the District 7780 Conference this year will be at the Isle of Shoals on June 29th. This should be a beautiful location and fun day. Don't miss the boat!
Club turnover is Tuesday June 25th when Pam will at last become a past-President, and Pauli and Brad will take the reins for the Rotary 2024-2025 year. The Club discussed a small turn-over.
Rotary Global Grant; Ambulance and maternal Health Care in Burundi
Last year the Club participated in a Rotary District Grant to support an ambulance and maternal healthcare in Burundi where long time support had been provided by District Rotarian Dr. Black. Dr. Black passed away shortly after meeting with us,  but the project has been completed and a picture of the ambulance provided as part of the grant was provided to us (one of the situations there as reported by Dr. Black, was expectant mothers frequently had to walk miles to a medical facility
50-50 Raffle : The "Pot" is still not very large, and the Deck of cards is still a handful.
Shea was holding the lucky ticket drawn and faced the large area of choices:
But pulled the King of Clubs! So the deck is slightly smaller and the "Pot" grows!
More Feedback from our 3rd Grade book support
Eric sent the club some added input from the 3rd Grade Classes we donated $100 each to for books this year.
Upcoming Events
International Convention
May 25, 2024 – May 29, 2024
Students of the Month
Robert W. Traip Academy
May 28, 2024
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Club Meeting
Kittery Community Center
Jun 04, 2024
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Club Meeting
Kittery Community Center
Jun 11, 2024
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
District 7780 International Cafe
Jun 15, 2024 9:30 AM
Red Cross Blood Drive
Kittery Lions Club
Jun 20, 2024
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Join Date
Bob Gray
May 2, 2023
1 year
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