Next Meeting: Board Meeting, 1200 September 10, open to all members
President Pauli reminded everyone that our Club is scheduled to provide support to the Table of Plenty Supper this Thursday 3-5 PM. Volunteers needed.
The District Recovery Conference is September 28th at Noble High School
September 17th is the Official Club Meeting of the 2024-2025 District Governor. Each District Governor starts their year by meeting with each District Club to present the goals and direction of the Rotary international President for the year, as well as their own goals for the District.
September 24th our meeting guest will be this year's Rotary Youth Leadership
campers, sharing their experiences.
50-50 Raffle: 50 % of the pot goes to Club administration, 50% goes into the "Pot" to be one isf the holder of the raffle ticket drawn can pull the Joker from the ever shrinking deck of cards. Today there is $201.50 in the "Pot" and Andy had the lucky ticket drawn.
However he pulled the Jack of Clubs from the Deck!
That looks like the Joker way over on the left ;-) !