On our Tuesday May 7, 2024 meeting our special guest was Kendra Amaral, Kittery Town Manager. We were treated to an update on the latest town activities while enjoying coffee together supplied by Aroma Joe's ~thank you Maryna! fueled by a significant number of recent grants, the town is a busy place with many upgrades in progress.
Kittery Town Manager Kendra Amaral was first our guest about 7 years ago, soon after she became Kittery's Town Manager. The Club was honored to have her back as our guest speaker at our meeting on May 7 to talk about what is currently in process and where Rotary can participate.
Kendra went over the many projects ongoing in town: the upgrades in the Foreside, the paving in Admiralty Village, the housing studies related to affordable worker housing, climate action, and Fort Foster storm repair to name a few. One of the biggest changes in the 7 years Kendra has been onboard, is the number of grants the town has received for studies and for work in the community. She also noted that the town has also established on the website a location for people to report their interest in volunteering in the community and suggested it as a source for support for some of our own work. Kendra also noted the Rotary club's participation in in recent town surveys on direction for future work. When discussing recent improvements in town , Jeanne made note of her observation that the sidewalk work recently completed has significantly improved the sense of community as people walk and talk together more.
On a further reassuring note Kendra reported that the Foreside area work should be at a stage that will not interfere with the June 15th Block party next month, but, parking downtown will be a challenge while work is in progress. Kendra also reported that Fort Foster should be open for use within a couple of weeks, although the pier will not. The Park is currently closed during the day as heavy equipment is still very active there. The Emery Field playground work is expected to complete this summer after removal of the old Recreation building on the site.
We very much appreciate Kendra's time, she was noted by many as an excellent communicator, and we thank Aroma Joe's and Maryna for supplying coffee for our gathering.
We asked Town Manager Kendra Amaral to sign a
book to be donated in her name to the school libraries