At our October 24, 2023 meeting, we celebrated Students of the Month for Shapleigh Middle School and Robert W. Traip Academy for the months of September and October.

Sixth Grader George Daly is the Shapleigh School Student of the Month for September.

Traip Academy Senior Poppy Lord is the Traip September Student of the Month. Poppy was also the Traip student of the Month in November 2021

The Shapleigh School October Student of the Month is 7th Grader Ayla Burrowbridge
Traip Academy Senior, Jacob Disalvo is the school's October Student of the Month

Superintendent Eric Waddell presented each student with a Rotary 4-Way Test medallion.
Each student is given a Certificate signed by the School and the Club and their names are added to the Student of the Month Plaques at the schools.