The end of the calendar year was celebrated with a welcome addition to the Rotary Club of Kittery as Atencio Martin was inducted as the newest Rotary  Club member .
On December 17th, the Rotary Club of Kittery ~ in the same building he graduated from High School , the Club is very happy to have another R.W. Traip alumnus to the Club membership.
 Sponsor ~ Pam, Atencio, Co-President Brad           Bob Guay, Andy, and Bob and Shea
                                                                                         Gray read Greetings to the Club
Atencio Martin has returned to Kittery as co-owner of his own financial business after leaving for college and an international basketball experience. Greeting him as club members were his School principal, now the District Superintendent, Eric Waddell, and fellow Traip Academy graduates Bob, Shea, and Pam Gray and Bob Guay.  Atencio continues a Club tradition of having strong roots in the community and a close relationship with the Kittery schools. Assistant District Governor Pam was Atencio's club membership sponsor.
                                                                Welcome Aboard!