Next Meeting: Update on the Eben Ezer School in Haiti
Guests: Kittery Town Manager Kendra Amaral, Bob Guay
Club President Pam went over the upcoming Events, including our support for the Table of Plenty this Thursday and the District 7780 Conference to be held at the Isle of Shoals June 29.
After the meeting Eric met with the members serving as the scholarship Review committee to review the scholarship applications.
50-50 Raffle: As one of our Club service fundraisers for administrative expenses raffle tickets may be purchased and 50% goes to club administration and 50% goes into a "pot". Each week a ticket is drawn and the owner of the ticket gets to attempt to draw the Joker from the ever decreasing deck of cards. If the Joker is drawn the winner gets the existing "pot". if not the pot grows as the deck of cards shrinks.
This week President Pam was the owner of the ticket drawn and got a chance at the now $84.50 "pot".
But ~ Pam pulled the Jack of Diamonds
The pot grows, the deck of cards is (slightly) smaller!
Eric brought a fistful of Thankyou notes for Third graders at Mitchell School for the Club donations of $100 to each of the Third Grade teachers for purchasing classroom books.