Next Meeting: Student of the month, Meeting at Traip Academy Cafeteria
The meeting this week was held at the Kittery Community Center. After the Meeting members traveled to Mitchell School for a presentation to the 3rd Grade Classes. At 2 pm in the afternoon Club members joined members of the Kittery Rotary Afterhours Club at the new Mainspring Collabrative.
Sue reminded us that our Speaker for February 4th will be Michael McGovern, Sue, Pam, and Andy reviewed some of Michael's background ~ retired Town Manager of Cape Elizabeth, past District 7780 Governor, Past Rotary International Director, Vice President of Rotary International, past trustee and also vice Chair of the Rotary foundation, 11 years as chair of the Rotary International Polioplus Committee and several other Rotary positions. His Rotary experience, his international experience, is outstanding. Pam is inviting other clubs and this would also be an excellent meeting to invite guests to join with us.
Pam also talked about the Sunday Mid-Year District Brunch and the presentations on Youth programs in the District. one of the panel leaders on Interact was Makili Matty, whose input was outstanding. Makili is president of the Traip Academy 80 + member and very active Interact Club, and a Rotary Student Exchange traveler as well.
Makili (far right) with the other members of the Interact panel
Our speaker on the 21st was Jessica Parker Executive director of Step Up Parents. Step Up Parents is a non-profit in Portsmouth providing financial assistance or kinship families raising children affected by parential substance use disorder. The organization is currently serving families throughout New Hampshire and in York and Cumberland counties in Maine.
Sue introducing Jessica
When children are placed with Foster parents, the foster parents do receive state support; but preferably children are placed with family members, usually grandparents, who do not receive government support. Step Up Parents was formed by friends of kinship parents who faced financial strains as a result of taking on the responsibility. The program has grown, they have served over 700 families and provided over $400,000 in assistance since they started. last year they provided help to 169 families.
Jessica is the only full time employee.
Problems they help with ranges from help with electrical bills, clothes, camp costs, vehicle repairs - mostly in the under $1,000 range. more information is available at "".
50-50 raffle: Shea had the lucky ticket drawn and a chance at the now $330 pot" .
But - she pulled the 9 of Clubs from the deck 9Joker was way over on the right)
the deck gets smaller and the "Pot" grows!
At the Close of the Meeting we headed over to Mitchell School, se "stories" below.
Then at 2 pm we met the Kittery rotary After Hours at Mainspring!