The Rotary Club of
Kittery, Maine
Chartered 1987

Date December 10, 2024 Vol. 17, Issue 20
Next Meeting: Students of the Month
                       meet at R.W. Traip Academy, Cafeteria
 The meeting this week was the Monthly Board meeting and was held by ZOOM on Tuesday December 10, at 08:00
President Pauli reported on the Holiday Parade, more about that in Stories, below, and the calendar fund raiser sales. We still have several hundred calendars available and sales will continue through out the month. Sales fund our service work so it is important to keep selling.
Several other fund raising ideas were discussed. Pam recommended a sports card fund raiser and the consensus was to target that idea for sales to complete in February, Pam volunteered to rough out a proposed Card. The "calendar raffle" which was delayed until spring, will begin directly after the Card completion starting with collection of prizes, followed by sales roughly in April. 
Blayne had recommended partnering with Interact on a "tollbooth " fundraiser which would be for funding service work of both organizations, that proposal was generally agreed upon pending further details on discussion with Blayne. 
We have budgeted for support for the Mitchell School 3rd grade classroom books again Pauli will discuss timing with Eric and we will announce a date for presentation of checks.
We have been asked about support for Project Graduation. We have budgeted $500 for the event for this year. It was noted that 30 of the graduating class are members of the Interact Club, (roughly 40% of the class).
Sue reminded us that the CPR class will be part of the January offerings of the Kittery Community Center, Sue credited Pam with the recommendation  that we approach the Community Center on including the program.
The next Blood drive is December 19th.
There will be no meeting on Christmas Eve or on New Year's Eve. On January 7 2025, Eric will talk about AI at the Kittery Schools.
Wreaths Across America in Kittery will be December 14th starting with a service at noon.
Pam and Andy have offered to host a seasonal social on January 9th.
Co-President Brad reminded us that the Club is supporting a rotating donation commitment for Footprints starting in January. The first month the item to be donated is coffee, Instant or ground, we will collect donations at each meeting through January (the Kittery Rotary Afterhours Rotary Club reports they already have 20 pounds collected). 
Club Treasurer Andy presented the budget, which he sent out to the Club by email, we are solvent. We will need to use the Club authorized withdrawal from savings to complete the budgeted expenditures for this year.
Winter storm conditions: If school is canceled or delayed due to winter road conditions we will not meet. Brad indicated that a zoom meeting would still be possible and if that is appropriate a notice will be sent out with the link. No snow shoeing or ice skating to a live meeting is expected, we don't want to lose members in a snow bank.
We plan to conduct an Induction at our next meeting, which will be at Traip.
And a Happy Birthday to Andy whose birthday was on the 10th!)
Holiday Spirit!
All good things come to a good end!
For years the Rotary Club of Kittery has met the end of the Holiday Parade with free cookies and cocoa and this year was no exception!
Upcoming Events
Club Sponsored Red Cross Blood Drive
Dec 19, 2024
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Bob Guay
November 15
Spouse Birthdays
Linda Hirst
November 14
Bob Gray
Shea Gray
November 25
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