Next Meeting: Classification Talks. The Meeting will be in the Kittery Community Center, but the Room will change, check the signs.
Guests: Jenn Montplaisier, Nellie and Nadia Young
Club co-President Pauli led the first meeting of the new Rotary Year. First she invited Immediate Past president and new Assistant Governor Pam up for a presentation to Nellie Young (see "stories" below).
Pam also reported that the Salad Dressing Collection for Footprints food pantry is continuing up through our next meeting. A presentation to Footprints will take place after the next meeting on the 16th.
Pauli then had Treasurer Andy present the proposed Operating Budget and the budget for the Rotary Club of Kittery Foundation. After some discussion , including explanation that some planned service support was not expended due to donations from members. Both budgets were approved, with those explanations.
Pauli presented the incoming slate of officers for approval, Andy for treasurer, Marie for Foundation Chair, Pam for Membership chair, Dave as secretary, Vice President and President-elect positions are open at this time. The slate was moved and seconded and approved by the club. Sue said she is handling speaker scheduling for Pauli while she is president.
Pam talked about the new proposed calendar project. The club approved going ahead with the project and ordering 500 calendars to be sold at $20 each. The calendar will need sponsors for each page, at $250 a piece. Pam has a flyer prepared to solicit sponsors. Andy made a mockup of a calendar showing how the pages will look. A "launch party " was suggested for early sales.
Co-President Brad presented some thoughts on how to freshen up the Club meetings. Proposed are making one meeting a month a service project which may be at a different day and time, and might be part of another community effort. The board meetings would be continue to be open and encouraged for all, but be zoom meetings. With a show of hands, the club members voted to try the changes.
Pauli reported she has been talking with Blayne about when in the next two weeks to have Remick and Akshay attend, also about when to schedule getting some of this years RYLA Campers to a meeting (Eric cautioned that all athletics start in the middle of August which will involve many of the students).
There will be a "5th Tuesday" his Month, Brad is looking into a site, plan on a social July 30th.
The decision was made to plan on selecting a "Community Champion " again this year, Keith will work on starting the process with Maryna.
This Thursday, July 11th is our turn at Table of Plenty again, Bob, Shea, and Andy plan to be there. More help is needed. 3-5 pm.